Thursday, April 24, 2014

Farewell Dover!

Our time in Dover has finally come to an end!  

As fun as our time has been in Dover, I am ready to say adios!  Over the past few months we have survived every possible type of neighbor (or so it seems.)  We have had the couple that argues at 4 AM and plenty of families with kids who cry late into the night (or scream their little heads off).  There have also been the smokers,the snorers, the early birds and the late nighters. I am more than ready to settle in a home in California and cocoon myself in the amazing sound of silence (at least that is how I imagine it will be!)

Since arriving in Dover, I have learned to appreciate the simplest of household goods.   Like having a garlic press.Chunky garlic in food is no bueno. I have been longing for our blender so I can make a smoothie. You name it and I'm probably missing it right now.   I am beyond ready to have my car back!  I'm not a morning person, so I was only able to escape the TLF when John had classes that started in the afternoon. 

During our cross county trip last year I took up knitting. Knitting  been a lesson in patience and perseverance. I had to restart a hat when I was halfway through due to a stitch miscalculation. I learned that black yarn is the hardest thing to work with.  And now there are these fingerless gloves I've been working on. *sigh*  If I ever end up in the ER... it will probably be due to an accident involving  double pointed needles. Just sayin'! I can't bring myself to start the second glove and part of me is praying that wearing a single glove will magically become a fashion trend.  

John and I were able to sneak away to DC for the weekend. It was a much needed break from being stuck in a TLF studying/working.  Much to our surprise- it was the weekend for the Cherry Blossom Festival! Museums were packed, but we managed to accomplish a lot during our brief stay.  The weather was fabulous!  My body is apparently super deprived of Vitamin D.  Normally I would burn if I spent two days of trekking around DC, but I only ended up with a little sun on my shoulders. 
It disappeared within two days! :)

What's next for us?.

Another weekend getaway! :)  I haven't been to Boston since I was a kid, so I'm super pumped to go back and do some sightseeing! After Boston, we begin the nice long road trip back south to collect our furbabies! Our parents have been so gracious to watch them for us the past few months. Life hasn't been the same without our goofballs Begley and Hannah :)  I don't know how we would make it to California without Hannah providing her expert navigation skills! ;)

Our visit in the south will be brief, but I will be back at the end of May for my sister's high school graduation! (Holy cow, I can't believe that she is graduating high school! Wasn't she 5 years old yesterday??) 

I'll be blogging our road trip adventure! We are adding a trailer so the pets have more room in the jeep and this will be the ultimate test of my driving skills so be sure to check back! (Prayers are also much appreciated!)