Friday, June 20, 2014

Unpacking= Mission Impossible

I'm pretty sure these packing boxes are breeding. 

 It seems that every time I feel that I'm making progress with unpacking, I find another brown box that hasn't been unpacked yet or a suitcase magically still full of clothes.  It's exhausting.  Once I finally exterminate all of these brown boxes... I don't want to see another one for quite some time!

Thankfully I was able to squeeze in a week of unpacking before I headed back to Florida for my sister's graduation.  Juggling work in the chaos of the trip wasn't easy, but I made it happen!  The first couple of days I spent scrambling to get stuff ready for Kaitlyn's graduation.  :'(  I still can't believe my baby sister graduated high school!  After graduation was over, I enjoyed catching up with friends, movie nights, dancing, Sunday brunch, and even *gasp* a trip to the beach.


Unfortunately my skin no longer appreciates time spent in the sun. I left with funky tan lines and some pretty sweet lobster red skin.  However, it it a step in the right direction (a normal skin tone.)

While in Florida I turned 27!  I don't feel old, but with all these kids I used to babysit graduating high school... it serves as a great reminder that the days of gray hair are getting closer ;)  I'm also reminded that  tomorrow is never guaranteed, and  you have to live life to the absolute fullest!  


                                         I paid off my car loan!

I've been throwing money at that loan like no one's business since last fall.   I was on track to wrap up 2014 by paying it off, but since we opted not to buy a home, we went ahead and took care of the loan. I am happy that I can start putting my paycheck toward better things like retirement and maybe some new clothes. (my summer wardrobe needs some serious updating) 

Being back in California with my husband and the fur babies has been great.  Speaking of the fur babies... Begley and I are loving living right by a park!  Hannah gets time in her "fun run" in the backyard while Begley and I go for a stroll.  It's glorious! (Minus some bad timing and getting attacked by the park's sprinklers.)


So back to these breeding boxes... 

We had three people stop by last week to "pick up all of the boxes" and we somehow still have boxes left.  It's ridiculous.  We are now looking at a trip to the recycling center so we can rid our home of the empty boxes.  However, even after that is done, I still have boxes to unpack :(  This weekend we are taking a break and heading over the fairgrounds (conveniently located right up the road) to look at some motorcycles :D  I'm excited!

If you have visited/lived in Northern CA, what do you recommend to go do/see?  My next project is making our CA bucket list!

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