Friday, December 20, 2013

Are We There Yet?

What a day it has been!  Thankfully it was a rather quiet 12 hours of driving. Hannah was her ridiculous self.  Yesterday Begley "accidentally" sat on her, so today she got a little creative and found a new napping spot.  (way in the back of the jeep)

Hannah has been the main source of entertainment for this trip.  Begley just stares out the window or sleeps. Or in the case of today, coughs up part of a toy that we haven't seen since we left Alaska


John did most of the driving today (because he is awesome like that!).  I enjoyed the view as we passed through Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and into Colorado.  We couldn't have asked for better weather and the traffic wasn't too bad.



I made an attempt to start a knitting project. I got 15 rows in and realized I somehow managed to miss stitches and in turn had 3 lovely holes.  I couldn't take it. So as the sun was setting in Wyoming I was  carefully redoing the knitting from the beginning. *sigh* Maybe one day I'll get the hang of knitting.  If any knitting pros out there have any tips for fixing missed stitches, I would appreciate the advice!

While John was driving I  tried to make sure the cat didn't cause too much trouble.  She LOVES the windows, crawling all over us, and trying to get onto the dashboard.  Oh yeah,  I also had to clean up my sunflower seed mess from yesterday.  Yesterday, I was trying to be helpful and open the sunflower seed bag for John and *POOF* half the bag went flying all over the jeep.  :(

We managed to track down Chik-Fil-A for dinner (yippee!) and after we got settled in at the hotel, our friend Jenn came to visit for a bit.  It was great getting to see her and catch up!

Tomorrow is a brand new day full of adventures.  Here's to hoping that Begley coughed up all of his toy today and we don't get any more surprises tomorrow ;)

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