Tuesday, December 10, 2013

'Tis the Season!

'Tis the season for moving!

While all my neighbors have their Christmas trees up and yards decorated (which I'm very jealous of) we are sorting through household goods and prepping for our great adventure.  I did keep some ornaments out to hang in the jeep. I thought a little decor and some Christmas music might get us in the Christmas spirit as we travel cross country! We can't wait to spend Christmas and New Years with friends and family.  Needless to say, I'm excited!  What I have dreaded about this whole move is packing.

Packing light is something that is close to impossible for me.  I'm a lady, I need clothing and shoe options.  If I go on a trip, I'll pack 2-3 blouses for every pair of pants I pack.  Taking my wardrobe and narrowing it down to something I feel like wearing for the next 5-6 months isn't exactly something I've looked forward to (although it does become a great excuse to go shopping in Dover). Add on top of that- I have to pack for 3 separate seasons in 3 different places. So much pressure on packing is probably why I waited until the last minute to throw stuff in a suitcase and hope it matches pack.  If luggage could talk, mine would be screaming "Enough already!!"

On top of squeezing life into a limited number of bags, there has been the packing and shipping of household goods. Currently, we are 3/4 of the way packed and loaded. John and I had to laugh last night when we realized that those "last minute items" we needed to grab from other rooms were already packed up.  Our kitchen was only halfway packed last night when I discovered we had hot chocolate mix.  I was so excited!  My heart was broken when I discovered we had no silverware (which also makes it hard to eat dinner) and no cup to drink the hot chocolate from.

I have come to the conclusion, that when it comes to vehicles and moving  I have some of the worst luck.  I reflect on the time I was trying to sell my car in Florida before moving to Alaska.  I got 3 flat tires in less than a month. THREE!!! The auto store was unable to fix the tires, so I had to buy new ones.  It was ridiculous. Now we  are preparing to leave Alaska and my car battery keeps dying.  We had to jump start my car twice today.  I'm afraid to take it anywhere. So, that is another to-do list item for this week.  My husband claims it has to be me leaving a light on, but can't find said light being left on, so ha! Apparently it's just time for a new battery. ;)

John and I are looking forward to spending time with friends and family!  
It has been way too long since we have seen some of you! 

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