Monday, December 16, 2013

The End of Our Alaska Adventure

 Life has been a whirlwind! At this point I can't remember what Thursday and Friday entailed, but I know it definitely included housework!

Once the movers were done (and our grill mysteriously disappeared) we got crackin' on home repairs. Wednesday night we opted for sleeping bags on the living room floor. After a night of tossing and turning (which was a great reminder of why I hate camping) John remembered that we had foam pads we could have used >.< That's ok least I didn't have to deal with pets trying to steal my sleeping bag :D

We have worked non stop on the house. We normally include Lowes' and/or Home Depot as part of our date nights. Sadly, we've had to visit those stores during the morning this week. It wasn't nearly as fun as going during date night- we were exhausted, sleep deprived, and borderline grumpy.

Our TLF (temporary living facility) has been an experience! Despite the fact that the temps have been in the teens, John and I have been sleeping with our window open. Why would we do something that crazy? Well, the master bedroom is a lovely 80 degrees (at least). We can't really tell because the thermostat is broken and the heater in our room is stuck on full blast. The cold temps outside definitely help because the fan in the room certainly doesn't.
We found a moose outside our TLF. He's huge! The hood of my car would probably fit under his belly. I will miss the moose sighting when we leave!

As far as the fur babies go... They are having a blast! Hannah has been busy breaking rules (jumping on all the furniture, etc). She has found one spot in the house that is of some concern. Hannah likes to hang out in a spot in the living room.  When she does, she ends up with a stoner look on her face. We have no idea what causes it, but it's hilarious to watch her.
Here she is cuddling with the heater

Oh Begley, the poor thing isn't used to sleeping on a tile floor. I think last night he decided we weren't worth the discomfort and went to sleep on the guest room bed. Before that...
Yep, while John and I were slaving away on the house-
 Begley stole the comforter from our bed

At this point- both pets qualify for Santa's naughty list.

This weekend we got over a foot of snow in Eagle River! It was perfect timing! We were having to do some stuff outside and since my snow boots got packed... I had to wear my normal boots.  Those things fill nicely with snow.
 Since we no longer have a dryer I had to be resourceful!

We have made some time for fun. There was the squadron holiday party which involved carefully placed bids so John wouldn't end up being Santa, an elf, or the Grinch. Saturday night we attended a lumberjack party. John won the flapjack eating contest (he ate 10 in 2 minutes) but it was close with our friend Dan eating 9. We wrapped up our weekend with dinner with friends and a stressful game of Settlers of Catan!

We have less than 48 hours until we leave Alaska and there is a lot of stuff left to do and people to see! A small part of me is ready to get on the plane- just so I can get some decent sleep!
Be sure to check back! I'll be blogging our cross country adventure! 
We are traveling with two pets... how bad can it be?? ;)


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